Need to protect your assets? Digital Air Gap, a strong, durable solution.
Do you see a need for asset protection within your organization? Digital Air Gap is the simple solution that enables you to protect your assets by providing a strong, lasting barrier.
Critical equipment protection
Do you have business-critical physical equipment? Machines essential to the continuity of your business?
A targeted attack on this equipment could have a major impact on your business, even bringing it to a standstill.
You can anticipate this risk simply by installing Digital Air Gap upstream of your equipment.
Our solution provides a partitioning and allows only the exchanges authorized authorized.
Backup protection
Backups are an essential part of your business continuity plan. They enable your systems and data to be quickly restored following a cyber attack.
Your backups contain critical data that could be lost or stolen.
Protecting your backups means limiting your vulnerability to attack. By simply installing Digital Air Gap, you put them beyond reach.
Our solution makes it possibleto take ultimate backups offline and out of reach.
Retour expérience client :
« Notre retour sur la mise en œuvre de l’Appliance Digital Air Gap en version Sauvegarde dans l’architecture de notre SI est très positive. Avant, nous n’avions aucune certitude en cas d’attaque par ransomware que nos sauvegardes soient protégés et isolés. De plus nos sauvegardes pouvaient être indisponible. Aujourd’hui grâce à la solution ARC Data Shield, nous avons la certitude que nos sauvegardes sont disponible tout en étant inaccessible aux attaques par ransomware. Nos tests de remédiations ont montré que nous pouvons restaurer nos systèmes et reprendre nos activités plus rapidement que précédemment. De quoi préserver notre chiffre d’affaire et conserver la confiance de nos clients dans notre disponibilité à répondre à leurs attente. »
RSSI – groupe de distribution français de 800 personnes avec un Chiffre d’Affaire de 600M€.
Exemple restauration après une attaque rançongiciel :
Protecting sensitive networks
You have high value-added departments working with sensitive data. Your R&D departments' information must be kept confidential and protected.
You can provide long-term protection for your sensitive networks by installing our Digital Air Gap appliance at the heart of your information system. Thanks to its hardware partitioning, our solution provides permanent isolation against protocol attacks...