" The government wants to encourage the development of insurance against computer attacks. However, companies need to demonstrate that they have upgraded their IT security to obtain cover. Faced with a phenomenon they are still struggling to grasp, insurers are raising prices and are on their guard.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are well advised to equip themselves with belts and suspenders to secure insurance cover against cyber attacks. At a time when hacker offensives against companies are on the increase, insurers are taking a cautious approach to granting cover.

"Only companies that have invested in IT security and protection tools will be able to insure themselves," warns Christophe Zaniewski, General Manager of AIG in France. However, "basic security procedures are still very rarely implemented by SMEs", laments this long-standing market player.. ...



Credits: Solenn POULLENNEC and Laurent THEVENIN - Les Echos ENTREPRENEURS