"The Groupement hospitalier de territoire de la région Grand Est has been hacked. As a new method of blackmail, the hackers have put the archive of almost 28 GB of data up for sale on the Darknet for a limited time. When it expires, if it is not sold, passports, medical analyses, bank details, patient files... will circulate freely on the networks.


[...] So, for the moment, it costs $1.3 million to acquire this data data. At least, that's what the hospital group will have to pay, if it doesn't want anyone with malicious intent to buy it. But that's not all, as this is a temporary "Premium" offer. Data is only available at this exclusive rate for one week. After seven days, if no buyer has come forward, the information will be freely distributed on the network. ... "

Link to article: https: //www.futura-sciences.com/tech/actualites/cybersecurite-hopitaux-grand-victimes-enorme-cyberattaque-98173/

Credit: Louis Neveu - Futura Tech